Medicine Is Our Nature Healing Sessions

I am retracing the steps of my ancestors and remembering who I am on this Earth. How about you?

I feel honored to hold space for each, and every, person I meet in these sessions.

As a Seer, I easily see you in your highest light, and hold the space for you to recognize your own power, divinity and medicine. You release all that is no longer necessary to hold in your body, to find the lightness and freedom in yourself once again.

We are all walking on this path hand in hand or across mountains and valleys. 


The support I offer is to tune into your own genius and unique souls path.

The depths we traverse are rewarded by the light of the  highest sun. The dance of living as human, as spirit, and as nature. This is a beautiful path when we recognize all our lessons and challenges are part of our story and our medicine to support others with.

We are all remembering the original blueprints, as we innovate into the future.

I work with many people on their journey of Creating, honoring their visions, ideas and mission for being here. Tuning into our ancestors becomes the field we dance in. Calling in our right relationships, in love and friendship becomes part of it.

With love to where you are & in service to your unique becoming.

Medicine Sessions include:


Connection to your Ancestors

Channelled Drum and Song with ancestral voices

Energy Healing – moving blocks in the body

Working with plants when called upon (in remote ceremonies they will be recommended to you to source)

Responding to messages & your questions


Online Ceremonies: $450 (2-3hrs)

In-person: $600 (2-3hrs)

– both include 1 week support before & after via voice message to prepare with a map of your journey and dreams & then integrate and ground the energies afterwards.

Recorded channelling:

$250 (1hr with personalized guided meditation journey)

$150 (30mins channeled response to any question)

If looking for longer-term support visit Private Soul Journeys

To book a remote (online), in-person session & ceremony or recorded

Fill in the form below: