Deep Healing Guidance

Medicine Ceremonies

Guided by the wisdom of the Earth and All as my teacher, I guide as far as I have travelled ~ which is an ongoing exploration and commitment to the depths of life, the psyche, the Universe, relationships, mothering and family, taking care of the home, and learning with all nature elements, seasons, plants, minerals, and dreams.

My commitment is to share this process honestly, openly and to remain humble to it. You can listen to that journey here.

I have apprenticed with nature, dreams and vision, circle-work and ceremony for 7 years consciously (and my previous life mostly unconsciously). For 5 years, I held a weekly women’s circle, to learn what it meant to hold space for heart-led sharing, and to engage in ritual and ceremony authentically. For the last 2 years of that journey, I also shared sacred cacao from Guatemala, and then locally from our jungle community on the Talamanca coast, from the Bri Bri people. 

Since ending my 5 year commitment to weekly circle and ceremony, I’ve worked mainly within, for the last 2 years, and been called now to guide deeper healing, and to work with other sacred plant-medicines available to us in the jungle, and on our land. My journey has been supported by dreams, visions and beloved mentors, and the calling, while strong and spoken loudly, was met with a resistance within myself for quite some time. However, to support all and any who are seeking deep healing, i am honored to be with you.

Through Soul Seed Gathering I have had the greatest honor to meet, sit and learn with indigenous medicine women, elders, and earth-heart-and-community centered leaders from the Lillooet First Nations, K’iche’, Tz’utujil, Kogi, Wayuu, Sangoma, BriBri, and Celtic-Anglo-European lineages. They are my teachers, accountability holders, and continue to guide my journey forwards. My path is firmly rooted in Nature, yet, is in deep respect of all paths, traditions, and lineages. I remain devoted to healing and bringing awareness to the importance of indigenous peoples across the world, and our own ancestral connection to earth-based lineages. Find out more here.

My own ancestral spiritual indigeneity is somewhat lost and disconnected, and yet, is continually being discovered and integrated back into my journey. My Welsh Celtic-Pagan, Anglo, Germanic, Slavic and older Viking, all-peasant lineages, have arrived through archeological clues, family memories, folktales, language and ultimately dreams and spirit-spoken wisdom.

I work as a healing guide, not as a healer to save or hold authority over you, as we are all here to save and empower ourselves. I share my experiences as embodied teachings, not regurgitated from any course or book – yet I have studied with many. I am here to remain committed to my own inner and outer exploration, and to support you on your own.

While many ceremonies, teachings, music and language have been stripped of its depth and soul, watered down to appeal to modern society, and are pulled out of their context – I work to bring that depth and context back into all that I offer and guide, to remain rooted with integrity.

I channel ancestral voices of the Earth, and am committed to remaining integrated, and of the Earth, so that I can show up fully here at this time.

I work with the deep spiritual understanding that we have everything within us, and therefore, any judgements, and fear of what is out there, is to be taken back inwards to heal within me. I invite you to do the same, and question our modern paradigm of good vs. evil – as this invites superficial spiritual bypass, projection and avoidance of our own shadows.

Ceremonies require us all to prepare, and walk with intention in, and integrate fully out. This is not a quick fix, while healings can feel miraculous, we are here for the life-long journey of learning, growing and rising into ourselves. This is a commitment, to return the sacred balance to all things, within and without.

If called to join a deep healing ceremony visit:
Medicine Ceremonies

please contact here

1:1 session(s) online and offline, year-long apprenticeship journey (begins each Spring Equinox), and/or to meet in night-long intimate group plant-medicine and spirit-guided ceremony held monthly from my home.

With so much love to where you are.